Documentary for French TV1
At Finnish Plant, the summer of 2018 was a bit more exciting than usual. A couple of years earlier, the Rose Petal Confiture had been exhibited at a professional event organised by Action Finlandin Paris. It was there that the documentary director Valerie Exposito got to taste the product. She was thrilled and wanted to take Finnish Plant as an example for her documentary project, in which three top chefs set out to explore culinary experiences from outside France. Soon, the lines between Paris and Vampula were seriously hot.

In July 2018. top chefs Stephane Debracque (Autret) and Fabricio Prochasson, President of the French Culinary Academy, travelled to Vampula, Finland with the director, Valerie. First, they fished at lake Pyhäjärvi in Säkylä, then they picked rose petals. The evening meal was a treat: whitefish and rose petals smoked on juniper branches, and Boulabaisse soup with Rose Petal Confiture. For dessert, it was Stephane’s own melon-rose petal carpaccio. Ooh la la!
After returning home, the top chefs recollected their trip to Finland by creating new recipes. What better way? The rose macarons and goose liver-white chocolate with Rose Petal Confiture created by Stephane Debracque were a French interpretation of the magic of the midnight rose.
The three-day journey was made into a documentary that was shown on French TV 1 in May 2019.

Guess who else likes rose food

Finnish Plant’s Rose Petal Confiture is conquering the world and many top chefs have fallen in love with the opportunities it creates for new dishes and flavours.
One fan is Michael Martin who is a well known chaser of such flavours. A high flying chef in international celebrity circles, he has cooked for royalty – both in the literal and the musical sense!
Sauli Kemppainen, a Finnish Michelin starred chef who has enjoyed fame in Berlin for years, is also thrilled about the Rose Petal Confiture. Over the years, his fine dining menu has featured several rosy creations; for example, the dessert in the picture is Rose-Rhubarb – Liquorice – Hazelnut.
“Finnish rose petal jam, I must say, great looking confiture, its packaging looks smart, has a nice ribbon to rip on opening and the scent of the jam says it all! A magical moment awaits as you take your first bite.
All guests I have shared it with love it and it’s also great to use in mousse or to top small tarts with. Love it – please try and enjoy.”


For years, Tuuli and Matti from Finnish Plant have been touring trade shows and exhibitions and they have a great many fun stories to tell, and encounters to recall.
In Italy, the Rose Petal Confiture caused a real stir when a local newspaper reporter visited the stand and fell in love with the product. The story he wrote caused a rush and the product sold out. The Italian temperament was unleashed as people missed out on getting their hands on the soughtafter delicacy.
At the world’s largest consumer food fair, Grüne Woche in Berlin, the Kotajas have fascinated Germans with their products over the years. Culinary encounters with local food influencers and media representatives have resulted in many stories on radio and television and in newspapers and magazines. A group of journalists has even visited Vampula.
Here are a few tasters of these stories:
Finnish food export to France (MTV, in Finnish)
Story about a trip to Finland (BZ, Sabine Klier)
Flower kitchen (Focus online, in German)